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Goals, Goals and more Goals!!! It seems my whole life I’ve been bombarded with the necessity of goals. I’ve learned, practiced, taught and reinforced the SMART goal plan (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time sensitive). Of course, there’s never anything wrong with achieving your short-term, long-term, personal or professional goals. With that being said, studies show that only a small percentage of people actually have them…and an even smaller percentage actually meet them, complete them or even see the light at the end of the tunnel. So, enough of the Debbie Downer talk. Lets talk about a fairly new concept that actually puts you in control of meeting anything you want…Mini Habits.

New behavioral studies explain the culprit for not achieving goals is our own motivations. We are all different and are motivated and demotivated different. (See Extended DISC assessments). When we’re positively motivated our brain reacts with energy, endorphins and chemically makes us happy, satisfied and yes, motivated to do something. I don’t have to tell you what if feels like to be demotivated. Mini Habits are those small steps you take and achieve. Picture someone who has suffered a debilitating injury and lose the ability to walk. Isn’t it interesting how a micro movement of a limb, practiced over and over again lead to hope, imagination, energy and motivation to continue. Those small habits, lead to other small habits, which lead to moving forward and becoming better than we were. Remember, we don’t have to be perfect, we just have to strive for our own excellence.

In training, we ask our students to learn new ways to interact with others. Our students will succeed once they’ve broken down each new belief, behavior and technique, and just START. This may mean adding one daily behavior they haven’t done before, journaling for 1 minute a day, listening to one lesson for 5 minutes or accessing their progress by simply debriefing themselves at the end of the day. Mini Habits are achievable and can be fun, they are your own, and are motivating and push us forward to be the best we can be. So next time you dream of playing the guitar, try picking it up every day at 7pm, strumming for 2 minutes and watch where you are in a year. Now that’s motivation.

Good Selling. Scott

Here’s a few examples of Mini Habits. Have fun. CLICK HERE

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